Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Not so sure

I'm not so sure I love this one. It's ok, but not my favorite. Someone will like it so that makes me happy and it used up some of my scraps of fabric. These were the bits and pieces of fabric from the pile on the sewing room floor combined with some weird black and grey stuff I had been wondering what to do with. I have another 10 crumb blocks and will try a lighter color to set them with and see how they look. I also had to put a picture of Tiger, the wonder cat. She is about 14 years old and spends most of her days laying around. Here she has found a quiet spot under the serger table, behind the huge pile of quilts waiting to be bound. She thinks I made this hiding spot just for her. I guess I will have to wash all of these quilts before sending them out. She is telling me she doesn't like having her nap disturbed.

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